World Book Day Thursday 7th March 2019
Come and join us for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019
9.00am – 10.00am Parent workshops
9.00am-9.30am KS1 workshops (classroom visits 9.30am-10.00am)
9.35am-10.05am KS2 workshops (classroom visits 9.00am-9.30am)
10.00am – 10.30am Stay and Read
If you speak another language and have a book you would like to share with a group of children in your home language, then please can you let your child’s class teacher know and we will arrange this.
* We also have the fire service joining us on Thursday to read and share stories with the children so please look out for photographs on our class blogs.
We will also be launching our NPAT Reading Bingo Challenge so please check your emails for more information about this.